D. H. Lawrence

D. H. Lawrence

David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic, and painter. He is best known for his novels Sons and Lovers (1913), Women in Love (1920), and Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928). Lawrence's work is known for its frank depiction of sexuality, its exploration of the human psyche, and its challenging of social conventions.

Lawrence was born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England, in 1885. He was the fourth of eight children born to a coal miner and his wife. Lawrence's childhood was marked by poverty and hardship, but it also gave him a deep understanding of working-class life.

Lawrence began writing as a teenager, and his first novel, The White Peacock, was published in 1911. Lawrence's early novels were influenced by the work of Thomas Hardy and George Eliot. However, Lawrence's work soon developed its own unique style, which was characterized by its frank depiction of sexuality and its exploration of the human psyche.

Lawrence's most famous novels, Sons and Lovers (1913), Women in Love (1920), and Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928), are all complex and challenging works that explore the nature of love, sexuality, and the human condition.

Lawrence's work has had a profound influence on modern literature. He is considered to be one of the most important and influential English writers of the 20th century.

Here are some of D.H. Lawrence's most famous quotes:

  • "We are all fragments of one, great body, torn asunder."
  • "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
  • "Love is not only a communion of bodies, it is also a communion of souls."
  • "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience."
  • "The only thing that matters is living and feeling, not preaching and moralizing."

D.H. Lawrence was a complex and challenging writer who explored the human condition in all its richness and complexity. His work continues to challenge and inspire readers today.

Found 2 books in total
Women in Love
Women in Love is a 1920 novel by English writer D. H. Lawrence. It is considered to be...
Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers is a 1913 novel by English writer D. H. Lawrence. It traces emotional...
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