Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert (12 December 1821 – 8 May 1880) was a French novelist, considered one of the leading exponents of literary realism in his country and abroad. His works are known for their psychological depth, their realistic portrayal of human nature, and their innovative use of language and style.

Early Life and Education

Flaubert was born in Rouen, France, to a family of the upper middle class. His father was a surgeon, and his mother was the daughter of a doctor. Flaubert had a privileged upbringing, and he was educated at the Collège Louis-le-Grand in Paris.

After completing his studies, Flaubert traveled extensively throughout Europe and the Middle East. He was particularly interested in the Mediterranean world, and he drew inspiration from his travels for his later novels.

Literary Career

Flaubert began his literary career as a playwright, but he soon turned to writing novels. His first novel, Madame Bovary (1857), was a critical and commercial success. The novel tells the story of a young woman who is unhappy with her marriage and seeks fulfillment in extramarital affairs.

Flaubert's other major novels include Salammbô (1862), L'Éducation sentimentale (1869), and Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881). His novels are characterized by their meticulous attention to detail, their psychological depth, and their realistic portrayal of human nature.


Flaubert is considered one of the leading exponents of literary realism. Realism is a literary movement that emphasizes the accurate and objective portrayal of everyday life. Flaubert's novels are set in the real world, and they feature characters who are ordinary people with ordinary problems.

Flaubert's use of language and style is also innovative. He is known for his use of long, complex sentences and his ability to create vivid descriptions. His style is often considered to be difficult, but it is also considered to be one of the most beautiful and effective in French literature.


Flaubert is considered one of the greatest French novelists of all time. His works have had a profound influence on the development of literature, and they continue to be read and studied today.

Key Works

  • Madame Bovary (1857)
  • Salammbô (1862)
  • L'Éducation sentimentale (1869)
  • Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881)
  • La Tentation de Saint Antoine (1874)
  • Trois contes (1877)


  • "Be a mirror reflecting the world, even if it breaks."
  • "The artist must be invisible; the work must be the thing to shine."
  • "Prose is like a windowpane. You should never notice it. You should only see what it's showing you."
  • "Life is a tragic novel, but we can write it as a comedy."
  • "Style is the ultimate morality of art."
Found 1 books in total
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary is a novel by French writer Gustave Flaubert, published in 1856. The...
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